Well, folks, the end (beginning) is drawing near, and I am EXCITED to say the least. Here are some countdowns:
- Class days: 6
- Graduation: 17
- Personal shower (aka Bachelorette Party. I learned that grown ups call these personal showers): 9
- Getting married: 30 (that is one month, y'all!)
- School-I know this is shocking to some of you, but really, this semester has been stinking busy with classes I don't need to graduate and one that I do.
- Job searching-DHS, VistaHealth, Youthbridge, Ozark Guidance
- Wedding shower-Seriously, this was so fun. I love wedding showers!
- Wedding-ing-Ya know, just doing wedding stuff in general.
- More school
- Being on duty-Which I am hopefully done with forever.
- Being stressed/sick-Seriously, I think my body realizes I'm stressed more than I actually do. I'm kind of a mess. ha.
- Counting my lasts-duty night, StuMo, finals (Praise the Lord), etc.
- Loving living with so many wonderful girls/people (My bro lives in the same building too. I love that.)
- Watching my friends get engaged.There's been like a million. Ok, maybe 6 or 7.
- Finishing pre-marriage class. I guess we're ready to get married now.
- Seeing my sweet friend Sarah who just came back from a semester of traveling.