Wednesday, May 25, 2011

We just like to keep you on your toes

Well, y'all, if you haven't heard yet, the location of our wedding got changed. 4 days before. This isn't a joke. It obviously wasn't what we planned, but how the heck do you plan for monsoon season when you get engaged in December?! You can't, so we adapted! Instead of getting married where we planned, we are getting married at my parents house, and y'all, I am SO excited. When we were first choosing a place to get married it was mentioned, but seemed unrealistic. I thought it would be sweet and romantic to get married at my house in my parents yard, but 250ish people?! That's unreal. Welp, now it's real. And I'm. Thrilled.

So, if you didn't know, you do now. We're working really hard to make sure everyone who was invited knows, but I just don't know how possible it is. We don't even have time to mail stuff out again! Check out the website for my address and a map. Thanks for being so flexible everyone!

Now, we get married in 3 basically 2 days. Wanna know what I've been up to? Lots. Lots and lots of fun stuff.
 Yep. That's a torch.
How great are my bridesmaids diggin' in the dirt to help me out!?

Is it Saturday yet?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

9 days!

Y'all! I get to be Mrs. Justin Neal Morgan in 9 days!! We're in the single digits. I feel like I have tons to do, however I am currently taking a break from organizing and planning and making lists to 1. eat and 2. catch up on other non-wedding related things. (It's sort of like life still goes on even when I'm way busy. Huh. Weird.)

I just finished eating one of my favorite things, spaghetti noodles with a little bit of butter and Parmesan cheese. Seriously. It's probably so bland to you, but don't knock it 'til you try it. I love it.

Also, here are some pictures to prove I graduated! Or at least that I have a cap and gown. :)
That's my grandpa with his kids and his kids kids.

 I. look. just. like. my. mom.

My cousin Piper. She's rotten. 
Barefoot with my besties!

On the wedding side of things however, I just ordered 35 packages of sparklers from an online magic shop. How goofy is that? They were way cheaper than anywhere else. That's random. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Life lately


That's right. I'm DONE with college. Praise the Lord. I don't think I had another week much less anymore years of homework left in me. Officially, I have a Bachelors of Science in Human Development, Family Sciences, and Rural Sociology with a concentration in Child Development in case you were wondering. 

I've been annoyingly busy lately, but so many fun things have happened!

For one, I had my bachelorette party. We had dinner at Viejo, had a scavenger hunt, and I got to stay the night we some of my besties after opening presents. I have super friends. 

We also started moving stuff into the apartment! 

It's a work in progress. 

And we went to my sweet friend Kelsey's wedding in OKC with our friends Ben and Heather. It was a way fun trip with a sketchy looking Thai restaurant and a beautiful wedding. 

I'm getting married in 12 almost 11 days. That's nuts. That's almost single digits. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Neti Potting and the Star Spangled Banner

Y'all. For what seems like the trillionth time this semester, I am sick. Boo. I've been sick for a week on Wednesday. I'm also too stubborn to go to the doctor. I know, it's my own fault. This time though, my friend Sarah got me to try out the Neti Pot. This is a fear-invoking contraption if you've never heard of it. It's basically a plastic teapot you stick in one nostril and tilt your head, so that when you pour it, it comes out the other. Here's an example.
Isn't that pretty? Thanks, random girl who's humble enough to put that picture on the internet.
Pretty or not, I can breathe a lot better.
During my first Neti Potting experience I didn't lean forward enough, and it kind of went down my throat. It felt like I was drowning. Sorry that's gross, but I don't want anyone to be deceived if they try it.

On another note about being sick, I've been drinking lots of water and hot tea. I've read that I'm not supposed to have much dairy or caffeine if I have a sore throat. Bummer. I crave coffee, ice cream, hot chocolate, and pretty much anything that contains those things. Currently I'm drinking decaf coffee, and it tastes like dirt. I didn't think I'd be able to tell a difference. I can. Maybe it's my tastebuds....

On a totally different note, the most ironic thing ever happened tonight at dinner. Ok, so maybe not ever, but at least that I can remember.
Myself and 5 other lovely ladies were eating dinner at the Union talking about how weird this whole Osama thing is and how we're freaked out by everyone's reaction and rejoicing of a death. (Serious side note: really, why the rejoicing? He's going to hell which is exactly what we all deserve, and without Jesus I'd be just as unrighteous as he is before the Lord. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't rejoice over the death of another one of God's creations.) Anyways, some news anchor or something said that this was the most important day in American history. What?! Really?! We all started naming days that were more important: "The end of WWII!", "D-Day!", "Ending slavery?!", "Uh, signing the Declaration?!", when, I promise, at the same time an all male choir started singing the Star Spangled Banner! Tell me that isn't ironic. Despite how really enjoyable it was, we all started dying laughing because of the irony. We sort of felt rude, but we really weren't laughing at them. After the SSB and watching a fellow Humphreys resident decide how to get around the boys without being rude as they were singing, we clapped for these beautifully voiced men. They then proceeded to turn to us and sing a song beginning with "A serenade to a girl..." Yep. They sang to us. Here's proof:
We clapped again, and they thanked us for being there and told us that it was a spontaneous performance. It should be noted that we were thrilled to receive such a performance.
Lastly, a boy got out a tuba, yes a tuba, and started playing Friday by Rebecca Black. We sang the random parts we knew. We got video taped by one of the boys iPhones. Maybe we'll be a viral video one day. 

This is lengthy. Sorry 'bout that. Hope it entertained you. 