Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lots and lots of coffee

Hey again ya'll! So, to start off, I must tell ya'll that no one from Kansas says ya'll. It's really weird. Ha. I love them though!

I'm sorry again that it takes me like 20 years to update this, but being internetless is difficult.

Random updates in no specific order:
We've had 2 functions/socials so far. The first one was a neon rave, and last night we had a function called Mathletes and Athletes and my group dressed up as a ping pong team. Yep. They're awesome.
Also, mom, if you ever doubted I was your daughter, I look just like you. See the neon picture?

Work is going well. This Office Depot is a whole different world for me. Even the customers are different, but it's good, and I have regulars so that's exciting!

We have been talking a lot about prayer this week and I love it! It's really neat to be reminded of the power of prayer and how God listens to our prayers.

Also, we're doing a 2 week series on Holiness in the media we intake and it's so awesome! I loved it last summer and I feel like I appreciate it even more now. It's crazy how the stuff we watch/listen to affects our walk with God.

AND, this Sunday is Father's day. I felt like ya'll should know that I have the best daddy in the world. Promise. Happy almost Father's day daddy! I love you a lot!

We have been on 3 D-group dates thus far (where a guys D-group takes a girls D-group on a date) and they have been super fun! All the guys here are great, so it's awesome getting to know them in a not awkward situation. What's really neat is that none of them have been with Arkansas groups, so we are getting to know people from other schools really well! For one date we went with an OSU group to get dessert, then walked around the bay, and then went to a surprise birthday party for one of the staff wives.
On the second one we went with a K-State group to play volleyball on the beach and then ate delicious food at this place called Crab Trap. It was so good and so fun!

For the most recent one we went to another OSU groups condo and played cranium, drank Shirley Temples (virgin ones of course), and ate brownies that the guys forgot to put eggs in. It was like chocolate gum. Delicious chocolate gum. Also, fun. My team (the other leader and myself) won. Go leaders.That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I would love to know what's goin on in ya'll's lives, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep me posted! I love and miss you all! Praying for you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Finally settled in.........

Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to get in touch, but I'll be updating this as I have time and let ya'll know what's going on as promised. (That being said, we're super busy and don't have email where we live, so it may be sporatic :)

It is D-group weekend right now which means that we (my D-group and I) had to leave Bluewater Bay (where we live) and can't come back until Sunday afternoon. We were given $200 to spend, but instead of spending our money on hotel/gas, we decided to stay in Baytown (about 25 minutes from Bluewater) in a house that my parents' friend generously offered us. We have spent our money on food, arts and crafts stuff (long story), piercings (a rook, 2 ears, and a replacement ring), and ice cream (yes, I know, this is food also.)

OH! For those of you who may not know, my D-group is the group of girls (Natalie, Brittany, and Rachel) who I'm leading (D-group leader) and living with this summer. They are incredible.

After days of job searching I'm actually working at Office Depot (where I worked for about 2.5 years at home.) I'm the ONLY girl that works there. Yep.

Now, I'm gonna give a quick rundown of what we do on a day-to-day basis because so many people have asked, and it will help to not have to explain everything in posts to come.

  • Church
  • Evangelism training (learning how to share the Gospel both cold turkey and relationally.)
  • Beach evangelism (going up to people on the beach and sharing the Gospel/cold turkey.)
  • World Prayer (learn about/pray for a certain people group that is unreached. Unreached meaning that all or most have never heard of Jesus or the Gospel.) Probably my favorite. It's life changing.
  • Participants work and the D-group leaders (myself) have training
  • D-group Bible Study (we're studying the book of James)
  • Work
  • TVT (Teaching Vision Training. How to inductively study the Bible/lead a Bible study)
  • Work
  • Work
  • TNT (Like StuMo. Our large weekly meeting.)
  • Work
  • Free day unless there's something going on! (Relationships Conference/Missions Conference)
So, now you know what our weeks generally look like. If you have any questions/are curious about anything else please ask!

I'm gonna leave ya'll with a few prayer points if you don't mind!
  • I would be open and teachable to my leaders, so that I can best lead my girls.
  • I can manage my time well, so I am able to get all of my Bible study, book study, support raising, and preparing done and done well.
  • My whole group will find complete dependence on the Lord.
  • Ephesians 6:19-20 Pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth words will be given me, so that I will fearlessly make known the Gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should.
  • How do I do ministry with a bunch of not my age guys at work?!
Thanks for reading!
Have a blessed week, and please please please send your prayer requests my way! My group and I would love to pray for you!