Hey everyone! Sorry it's taken me so long to get in touch, but I'll be updating this as I have time and let ya'll know what's going on as promised. (That being said, we're super busy and don't have email where we live, so it may be sporatic :)
It is D-group weekend right now which means that we (my D-group and I) had to leave Bluewater Bay (where we live) and can't come back until Sunday afternoon. We were given $200 to spend, but instead of spending our money on hotel/gas, we decided to stay in Baytown (about 25 minutes from Bluewater) in a house that my parents' friend generously offered us. We have spent our money on food, arts and crafts stuff (long story), piercings (a rook, 2 ears, and a replacement ring), and ice cream (yes, I know, this is food also.)
OH! For those of you who may not know, my D-group is the group of girls (Natalie, Brittany, and Rachel) who I'm leading (D-group leader) and living with this summer. They are incredible.
After days of job searching I'm actually working at Office Depot (where I worked for about 2.5 years at home.) I'm the ONLY girl that works there. Yep.
Now, I'm gonna give a quick rundown of what we do on a day-to-day basis because so many people have asked, and it will help to not have to explain everything in posts to come.
- Church
- Evangelism training (learning how to share the Gospel both cold turkey and relationally.)
- Beach evangelism (going up to people on the beach and sharing the Gospel/cold turkey.)
- World Prayer (learn about/pray for a certain people group that is unreached. Unreached meaning that all or most have never heard of Jesus or the Gospel.) Probably my favorite. It's life changing.
- Participants work and the D-group leaders (myself) have training
- D-group Bible Study (we're studying the book of James)
- Work
- TVT (Teaching Vision Training. How to inductively study the Bible/lead a Bible study)
- Work
- Work
- TNT (Like StuMo. Our large weekly meeting.)
- Work
- Free day unless there's something going on! (Relationships Conference/Missions Conference)
So, now you know what our weeks generally look like. If you have any questions/are curious about anything else please ask!
I'm gonna leave ya'll with a few prayer points if you don't mind!
- I would be open and teachable to my leaders, so that I can best lead my girls.
- I can manage my time well, so I am able to get all of my Bible study, book study, support raising, and preparing done and done well.
- My whole group will find complete dependence on the Lord.
- Ephesians 6:19-20 Pray also for me that whenever I open my mouth words will be given me, so that I will fearlessly make known the Gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly as I should.
- How do I do ministry with a bunch of not my age guys at work?!
Thanks for reading!
Have a blessed week, and please please please send your prayer requests my way! My group and I would love to pray for you!
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