I don't know what a balloon "feels" like obviously, but I would imagine that my head is the way a balloon would feel if it could feel...like it's going to explode.
A couple of years ago I got tonsilitis and a sinus infection back to back or at the same time...I don't really know. This followed a spider bite that made my whole body break out. Ever since then I get super super allergic a few times a year, and my sinuses get so full of gross stuff that I feel like my face is going to explode. My teeth hurt. My throat hurts. My nose hurts from blowing my nose so much (Chels, I promise I didn't have a runny nose when I refused your kleenex:). And, I have a really great boy-in-puberty/manly-girl voice. Ha.
This sounds really dramatic and terrible. It's not that bad. I mean, it's not fun, but I'm getting a lot done around my room with my door closed. I'm drinking lots of tea and coffee and even soda which I can't usually justify if I'm not sick. I enjoy alone time and getting stuff done, so I'm soaking up this sick time with some bluegrass and cleaning/catching up on things all while being in my pajamas. It's rather enjoyable for being sick.
Surely something has been going on in my life to keep me from updating this in about 2 weeks, but at the moment I'm not sure what other than:
Losing my ID-I've managed to keep up with my student ID for 3 years, but within the past week I've lost it twice for a couple days. The first time, I was praying about where it was (I knew I lost it within a 2 hour timespan between Humphreys and Starbucks which are maybe 30 yards apart?) After 2 days I had resolved to pay $18 for a new ID and then, no lie, it fell out of my Bible. I was ecstatic. Well, this time I've managed to lose it (on Thursday...still don't have it) somewhere in Humphreys. Yep. I've checked everywhere I can think of (seriously, I dug through the trash), but yet again, it looks as if I'm going to have to buy a new one. We'll see.
Taking my first test of the semester-That's right. It's the 10th week of school, and I just had my first test. It was a mid-term. I was way out of practice of studying. My classes have lots of projects, but not so many tests.
Going to a Ben Rector/Drew Holcomb and The Neighbors concert-I love live music. I love Ben Rector music. I now love Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors music. I didn't feel well, so my singing voice was basically non-existent, and we were in a pretty tight space, so for the sake of keeping things from being awkward my dancing was pretty limited as well. Still though, it was fun. I got to see my girls have fun. That's fun to me. It was a good night. AND, I got to see my sweet friend in line. Bumping in to her is my fave. We've been bonding over changing the world together since we were freshmen interning with TOMS. Now, we're both about to graduate. Watch out, world.
Doing that Halloween thing-Here's the deal. I don't love Halloween. I used to, but since being in college I really don't. Well, I found out at the beginning of October that I have a boyfriend who loves Halloween, or at least thinks it silly that I don't like it...I don't really know. All that to say him and his roommates decided to have a Halloween party and make costumes mandatory. If you don't know this, I'm stubborn. That made me not want to dress up. Don't worry though, I'm a little grown up. I dressed up. By Friday, I had a decent attitude about the party (I hope), and I even won half of an award (cutest couple. Ha.).
Justin is Dr. House. I'm a housewife. I know. It's a stretch that they go together.
I'll try to do better this week.
Lovelovelove y'all.
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Y'all are so presh. Almost TOO presh. Love you sister!