Friday, January 13, 2012


Today, y'all, I miss India. A lot. I miss the children (who are nearly 2 years older now! That means that this brand spankin' new baby  is probably walking now!) and the women and even the chaos a teency bit. I miss how dependent I was on the Lord during that summer. I dearly miss my Chelsea and Priyanka. Please note, it is not easy to live there, especially when you're from America. So, I'm certain I'm remembering the best only, and not the frustration, and not the missing Justin and my family, and not the inconvenience of every single thing in that country, but still I miss it.

Today though, I am also very thankful for my job. I am so blessed to have a job that I love, y'all. It changes a lot, and I. Love. Change.

Today I am sore because I went rock climbing for the first time ever. Y'all, it was fun, but it was hard. You have to be so strong to do it! Katie, my friend that was showing some us the ropes, could gracefully swoop across the wall as if it were no big thing. So impressive. I am very aware today of how un-strong I am.

Today, in like 5 minutes, I get to babysit some of my faves. Y'all, who knew you'd miss kids you babysit when you don't see them in a while? Well, ya do...or I do at least. #giddy

Also, for your entertainment:

Lovey love. Happy weekend.

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